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10 requêtes exécutées ou non

select session_id from sessions where session_id='8pj5k8qdv9hv1hk6cgai2n57l4' ((req.1))
delete from sessions where la_session LIKE '%langue%' and last_time<1717074056 ((req.2))
select * from cache_url where md5_page='beba23e898a105f0ec399e43b3396117' and lang='fr' ((req.3))
SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1; ((req.4))
select concat(ville,' (',cp,')') as titre_alpha_fr, c.*, r.region as nom_region, d.departement as nom_departement, concat(r.region,'/',d.departement,'/',if(substring(ville,1,1)='A','',concat(substring(ville,1,1),'/')),ville) as url_fr, les_pages.affichage, les_pages.stats_tot as page_stats_tot, les_pages.annee as page_annee, les_pages.stats_annee as page_stats_annee, les_pages.mois as page_mois, les_pages.stats_mois as page_stats_mois, les_pages.stats_mois_prec as page_stats_mois_prec, les_pages.stats_annee_prec as page_stats_annee_prec, id_page, cached from communes c left join les_pages on contenu_id=-c.id inner join regions r on c.region=r.id inner join departement d on d.id_departement=c.departement where d.pays='fr' and r.pays='fr' and ville='religions-fois-philosophie' and r.region='Picardie' and d.departement='Oise' order by ville asc ((req.5))
select * from fs_pub where dim="Bandeau haut gauche - new FS" and valide="O" and limite>=1717084856 and page="-1" order by rand() ((req.6))
select * from fs_pub where dim="Bandeau haut droite - new FS" and valide="O" and limite>=1717084856 and page="-1" order by rand() ((req.7))
select id_departement, departement from departement where pays='fr' ((req.8))
select id, region from regions ((req.9))
update les_pages set cached='O' where id_page= ((req.10))
Erreur : update les_pages set cached='O' where id_page= (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1)